Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why Captain America Sucked

Are you really surprised? Where you really watching the movie, eyes glued to the screen, thinking how awesome it was? Seriously, if you were, just leave now. This movie was just bathed in mediocrity.

Now Im not just going to destroy the movie because there were plenty of positives. The first of which being Chris Evans, who plays Steve Rogers. For someone who doesnt like the idea of seeing the same actor play as more than one hero in the same comic book movie universe, Evans being cast as Rogers was actually quite perfect. As the frail and skinny little man Rogers, he succeeds at being the wimp too well. He's likable for his guts and determination but you feel so bad for him that you just wanna hurry up and give him the super soldier serum out of pity. Best performance of the movie by far.

Tommy Lee Jones did serve the movie well as the smartass Colonel Philips. Also a likable character which provided some good humor.

I also did like the set up of the movie. From how it begins as a salvage team finding Captain buried and frozen in a wreck, with the main story basically being a flashback, and ending with him in present day New York. This serves more to Avengers movie releasing next year than to anything else but works me.

Now that was the good. Pretty much the rest I had problems with. First of which is how the movie seemed to mock and insult its own hero. So Steve takes the super soldier serum and does what again?? He's doing USO shows to sell bonds? What in the hell just happened? Did that just happen? Yes it did. He was a super soldier in a costume doing shows to sell products. Wow. Not only was this allowed to happen. It went on for like 20 damn minutes! The precise definition of anticlimactic. They made him into a cornball posterboy. The man had to pull a one man army, Call of Duty type mission just to get some respect.

After his transformation and that dreaded sequence of him performing in the USO, the action seemed to pick up and everything else seemed to fall off. The last half of the movie was basically just one big action scene. And at no point in the movie did we ever learn anything about anyone else in the movie or what the blue object was. Hugo Weaving who plays the Red Skull, is a great actor, and we have seen how good of a villain he can be. But to be the mad and powerful Red Skull he was just so....underwhelming. He confronted Captain America entirely too early in the movie with no build up or excitement at all. And for all his grand scheming and more advanced technology, his Hydra forces just got their asses kicked all through this movie. Look at the technology they had! US soldiers just mowed em down really.
Skull just seemed to be running away the entire movie.

The love story in movie was highly underdeveloped. Perhaps because Captain was never going to get a chance to be with her, it was decided not pursue that storyline. I feel that decision hurt the movie as the actress Hayley Atwell, who plays Peggy Carter, got so much screen time it was to be expected that the Captain would get the girl or at least have some sort of serious romance develop. But the chemistry never was truly there or given a chance to be. Not enough time in between all the battles.

In the end I have to say I am not happy with this adaption of Captain America. Ultimately I felt rushed through the process and that this movie was really only being used as a platform to set up the Avengers movie. In the beginning you were engaged with the little wimpy Steve and emotions were there, only to be sucked away by the complete 360 story took after his transformation. The drama was gone, as was any sense of character development or emotions for them (did you feel anything when his best friend died? were you given a chance to?). It was inconsistent and underdeveloped in too many areas. I liked Thor more. I hope they do better with the character in the Avengers.


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