Wednesday, August 17, 2011

'The Great Actor Debate' 1st/2nd round results

A little while ago @MrMikeJay and myself, the Film Junkie's that we are, decided to have a little competition to decide who the best actor is. Given this monumental task, we didnt want to make it easy by automatically ranking greats like Pacino or Denzel number 1, and easily hand them a title. So we decided to make it tough. For all those who participate to have to make tough decisions to push actors to the next round by pitting them against similar greats. 32 of the best actors, old and new.
To make it fair, and not give any sole actor a #1 seed we went with March Madness style seeding. Four groups, 1-8 seeds, going head-to-head all the way to the bloody end. Mwahahahahahaha.

CLICK HERE for the bracket and results of rounds 1 and 2

We will be doing this tournament debate all week so please participate and give me or @MrMikeJay your votes.

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