Saturday, October 1, 2011


After I saw this movie, I was sort of at a loss for words. not because its the greatest movie I ever saw, but because it was not what I expected nor a typical action movie.
This movie had style. It was artful and paced. Cool and calculating as an action film could be. There was always a mood set by the director with just music (electronica is heavily used for the score) and shots of Gosling behind the wheel.  These elements are what make the movie special but also its nameless main character played by Ryan Gosling. The mysterious loner who is only referred to throughout the movie as "The Driver". All we come to know about this character is the fact that he is an stunt driver for Hollywood movies and does less reputable work as a getaway driver. His only friend, who also gets his "work", is played by Brian Cranston (Breaking Bad). Carrie Mulligan plays the Driver's neighbor, who he falls for, but also happens to married to a recently released inmate that can't seem to stay out of trouble. And it is Driver's feelings for her and her son that compel him to help the husband do one job to clear his debts.
Now the most peculiar thing about Gosling's role is the lack of dialogue from his character. I mean for the whole movie, all his lines could probably fit onto an index card. This further adds to aura of mystery. And behind the wheel, he's so calm and focused, it almost takes away from the suspense and adrenaline of certain scenes. In even the most tense of situations it doesn't seem as if he breaks a sweat. He's always just very calm and cool.
Ultimately I would describe this movie as an artsy action film. More upscale and elegant than than typical run n gun action movie. Upscale with a retro vibe. Again the electronica music contributes to this. Its like 80s pop music that can be off-putting at first but ultimately is accepted. It is a movie that definitely deserves your money, but because of its uniqueness, may require your patience as well.

Score: A-

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